Here are just some of the highlights from our collection.
If you are interested in finding out about a particular aspect or artefact linked to Wellington, Somerset please get in touch and we'll do our best to help.
Then & Now
Picture Gallery
Pictures of the town's main streets in the early 20th and 21st centuries.
Wellington is twinned with towns in France, Germany and Portugal. On display are some of the fine gifts from these twins.
Although most of the Museum's collection dates from the mid 19th Century onwards, on display are some older objects.
Wellington's industrial history includes woollen manufacture, brick making, bed making and an early mail order company.
An agricultural and veterinary goods manufacturer that became an aerosol and cosmetic company. Violin string making, iron foundries and England's last private bank note also feature. The town has had, and continues to have, many small family businesses. The first New Look shop was in Wellington.
Wellington used to have a railway station and a canal and the A38 went through the centre of the town. Now it has two bypasses (the relief road and the M5) and neither a station or canal.
The most famous person associated with the town is obviously the Duke of Wellington, but other important connections include Sir John Popham (a former Lord Chief Justice), the anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor and David Suchet (Poirot).
Social &
Domestic Life
Wellington has a rich social history, including two world championships - ploughing and snuff-taking! Included in the display are a 19th Century kitchen range,
a mangle, a stone hot water bottle and an early food mixer.
World Events
A display of some newspaper articles recording significant events of the last century affecting Wellington.
Model Cinema
The Wellesley in Mantle Street is an excellent example of an art deco style 1930s picture house - and it is still showing films. In the museum is a scale model built to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 1997. The model opens up to show its fully fitted out interior.
Wellington & the World Wars
Some reminders of what war entails and how Wellington was affected.
28 Fore Street
TA21 8AQ
07495 512303