Taunton Stop Line Talk
Members £3, Non-Members £4.
In the Second World War there was the threat of an enemy invasion into the south-west of England. To defend the rest of the country from an advance, defensive measures were installed across the peninsula. One of these measures was a string of pill boxes and other obstacles in a line from the north Somerset coast to the English Channel passing through Taunton. Remnants of the Stop Line are still visible.
Andrew Powell-Thomas will describe the origins and subsequent history of the Taunton Stop Line.
Thursday 22 September 2022
Wellington Prep School Hall,
South Street; Wellington, Somerset, TA21 8NT
Pictured: World War 2 Demolition Chambers under a bridge on the Bridgewater and Taunton Canal.
Credit: Adobe Stock/Andy Chisholm
28 Fore Street
TA21 8AQ
07495 512303